Https webservice no/unexpected response when turning logging to trace.

One of our clients has a webservice call that is performed to a third party which behaves differently when the logging is set to trace. We are still investigating as to why this is happening one of the suggestions of the third party was that perhaps the Expect100Continue header was during the trace log of mendix. Does anybody know if the webservice call is influenced in any way when you turn up logging to the trace level for a webservice? And if it could be this header?
2 answers

In some cases when trace/debug is enabled, streams have to be read, logged and then generated again. It's not unthinkable there is a bug in this scenario somewhere. If you can file a ticket with a test case we could have a look.


I found out what is wrong: When setting the logging to trace in your modeller the soap body is cleared for some unknown reason. I am not sure if this happens all the time, but this happens atleast when calling a webservice over https.

I will submit a bug report.
