I am looking into a file upload widget, kinda like the mendix file upload but with some additional features. Basically i would like to add drag and drop the file upload widget. I am wondering is there anyone out there that created such a widget or can i find an example in the appstore of how to send any selected file to the mendix server? I already tried to disect the file manager widget from mendix but it is wrapped up pretty good ;] Edit: Just bumping my thread as i still haven't found out how i can actually call the mendix api to upload a file to a file document. Do you have to encrypt your file as base64 and then set the contents field of your file document? Or can you upload your file directly ?The later would be prefered,especially when using larger files.
Pieter van de Braak
2 answers
I haven't got a widget for this and there isn't one in the app store but dojo 1.8 does support these features see here for an example. And here. So it seems to me that it should be possible to create a widget with this type of functionality.
Erwin 't Hoen
And I am also stuck with this. Not enough supporting documentation especially if you want to write your own pluggable widget