Hi, We tried upgrading our dev environment from Mendix 3 to 4, but the database script failed, and the upgrade terminated prematurely. Now we are getting an Error Messagebox showing "Unable to start server. Reason: Invalid License." Is there a way of resolving this without having to restore the database? Will a restore solve the problem? Regards Frikkie UPDATE : We ran the project in 4.5.2 modeler, and during Database synchronisation, got the following error : SQL Error: ORA-02429: cannot drop index used for enforcement of unique/primary key When we run it again from the modeler (both 4.5.3 and 3.3.7), it throws the above mentioned error.
Frikkie Chalmers
1 answers
There is a known issue with Oracle databases when a backup has been restored. The backups that Oracle makes are rather incomplete which causes some issues in combination with how Mendix handles keys and indices. You can read more on this and find a workaround at https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide4/Oracle