Dataview has a Inner grid. That needs Datasource as Association. But selectable options are not showing parent class associations.

Dataview has a Inner grid. That needs Datasource as Association. But selectable options are not showing parent class associations. Say I have these entities: Loan,Person,Income. Loan associates to some Persons. Each person gets some Incomes. Then I also have VehicleLoan (extending Loan). My requirement is: A dataview for VehicleLoan needs to contain a grid for all Incomes. So I merrily dragged a datagrid into the dataview and tried to locate the association: Loan--Person--Income. But the Association option does not show even the parent relationship (i.e. VehicleLoan--Loan) nor does it show Loan--Person. Where did I do boo boo?
1 answers

If I understand your datamodel correctly you need to cast Loan first (VehicleLoan inherits from loan?). So you can only use microflows to retrieve the objects.


