3 entities: Loan,Applicant,Income. Loan associates to many Applicants. Loan assoc to many Incomes. But Income also associates to one of the Applicant in that Loan

3 entities: Loan,Applicant,Income. Loan associates to many Applicants. Loan assoc to many Incomes. But Income also associates to one of the Applicant in that Loan. So in a dataview of Loan, I have 2 grids i.e. for Applicant and for Income. But in the New btn of Income I cannot pass the Loan to form so I cannot get the reference list of Applicant to choose from for linking to income. Is there a better way to model it such that we need not write boiler plate code for some custom button just for New/Edit of Income.
1 answers

If the grid is nested within the dataview for loan, new Income objects will have the association to Loan populated. Then in the form where you are creating Income objects, use constrained by on the reference selector for applicant to restrict the drop down list to only applicants for that loan.
