Cleaning Up a Mendix Project File

I have a Mendix project that has begun to exhibit some unusual behavior. For instance, I open a form, return to the previous form by using a button on the opened form and when I try to open the same form again, the browser page processes for a bit, but never opens the form. This sequence of events also causes the app to become unresponsive - even if I use the logout button and log back in, it returns me to the same unresponsive page (which is not the home form). The only way the application becomes responsive again is if I restart it. I have put in numerous debug breakpoints, deployed the app to my acceptance environment and never see any error messages in the log or anything wrong in any of the microflows in the debugger. After trying many things to resolve this, I exported the project package, created a new project and imported the package into the new project. In this new project, everything works perfectly. I have 2 questions: has anyone else experienced something like this? what is the best way to import the project package into my original project (which is a teamserver project) without causing issues with teamserver/versioning?
1 answers

Did you clear your cache along the way? Can you reproduce the old situation again with the old model?

There should theoretically be no difference at all (at runtime), the exported model information would be the same.
