In progress popup does not close

Hi, We have the following case: A microflow button in a specific form calls a microflow. The button has a setting: Show Progress Bar set to Non blocking, Progress message: In process and Microflow call type Synchronous. The microflow performs several activities and as a last action opens a new form. All is working fine. However... When some of our users (not a lot) press the button in some cases the Popup In progress form is not closed automatically. All microflow actions are executed properly, including opening the new form, however the In progress popup is not closed. They can close it manually by clicking the x in the corner. We cannot reproduce it at will and most of the users never experience the issue. Alternative is to remove the progress bar, but obviously we would prefer to keep it. We do not experience this issue in any other situation. Anybody ever experienced this issue before? Any recommendations to debug? Brian
2 answers

I saw this exact issue in v4.4.0 and I believe it was fixed in the now obsolete 4.4.1 release. I had a ticket (16703) related to this issue. I have not seen this issue since.


Have you read this article?

I think this explains the issue. Different users will be behind different firewalls or proxy servers with different time-out settings, so this would explain why you can't reproduce the issue yourself.
