Hi all, I have the following problem: We have to interface with a service provider, who needs to shoot some data into our client's app. The service provider (let's call them SP from here on) wants us to provide a webservice which they can use to shoot the data into the app. They have provided us with an xsd file, on which I based the webservice. They also provided us some test files to use. Now, the webservice is I have defined for them uses an operation. This operation requires a parameter, which contains their data. The problem is, the testfiles they provided only contains a parameter and has no operation request. My actual question is: how can I provide a webservice which only requires a parameter and no operation? When I test the webservice from soapui and add an operation, all works great. But when I remove the operation tags and only pass a parameter, I'm getting errors about illegal xml elements, which makes sense, because, well... I have no operation. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Asking the SP to add an operation is not an option at the moment... Some thing that has crossed my mind is to pass the webservice to a java action and fiddle with it there, but I'm not sure if this is even possible... Anyway, all suggestions are welcome :)
Robin Reekers
3 answers
A (soap) web service always defines an operation, if they simply supplied testfiles with just some xml you could just create a web service call to yourself and test it this way. If they don't intend to call an operation at all in the end then they really shouldn't call it a web service, but then you could go with Roeland's solution and just manually code it all. But it's quite possible they just supplied the testdata now but do intend to call a web service, that's something you can probably find out.