AutoNum increment on Oracle

Hi, I'm experiencing some strange behaviour of the incrementation of an AutoNum sequence on Oracle (modeler 4.5.1). We use an entity with an autonum attribute to generate a ticket id. Putted a new button on an overview screen of this entity and when I click this button, I see the autonum attribute incremented by 1. Good behaviour. However, if I use this entity somewhere in a microflow (before commit on a submit of a ticket) the autonum is incremented by 20. Not so good behaviour... To be sure to not have some other processes running, I added a before create microflow that simply shows a message. Nothing happens, until I submit the ticket. Does anyone recognize this behaviour or have a clue about what could be the issue? Thanks in advance! Arjan
2 answers

I haven't seen this behavior, but note that autonumbers do not necessarily appear in a gapless sequence, if objects are created but then deleted it still means you can get a gap between numbers. There is no guarantee that numbers are in sequence, just that the next one is higher than the previous one and that they are unique.

Edit: It seems that Oracle itself does things in terms of reserving autonumber ids, which can then get lost in some situations. That at least explains the gaps you are having. I can think of some solutions for increasing a counter that don't involve retrieving the latest object every single time, but I'm not sure if we have any out-of-the-box solutions for this, I forwarded this question to someone in our Expert Services team.


Via Ask Tom I found that there is an option (CACHE_SIZE) on a sequence. By default set to 20 and has been introduced for performance reasons.

That at least explains the gap.

Another comment I found was to never use a sequence to enforce a gap free range.
