Report doesnt show a record which its relation is NULL
I use OQL below to create a report FROM ItemMgt.Item AS Item JOIN Item/ItemMgt.Item_LearningArea/BaseData.LearningArea AS LearningGroup WHERE Item/ItemMgt.Item_KeyStage = $KeyStage AND Item/ItemMgt.Item_LearningArea = $LearningArea AND Item/ItemMgt.Item_Indicator = $Indicator GROUP BY LearningGroup.GroupName SELECT LearningGroup.GroupName AS LearningArea, COUNT(DISTINCT(Item/ID)) AS Total And the association between item and indicator is many-to-many. When I doesn't choose the indicator and generate the report. It shows only records that have association with the indicators and it doesn't show any records that don't have association with the indicators. I need to see all the record. Did I do anything wrong?
Siwapong Kongsilp
4 answers
You have to test separate for the empty association