Error occurs with reference set selector

We’re having two objects. The first object (A) has a reference set association to the second object (B). Let’s call the association AB, logic. An object of A has the association filled with 15.000 items of object B. When opening a form with a dataview of object A that has a reference set selector with the association AB. The reference set selector will get the 15.000 items of object B, but an error occurs and the amount of the reference set selector will be “1 to NaN of {3}”: java.lang.StackOverflowError at fn.a(SourceFile:590) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624) at fn.a(SourceFile:624)
2 answers

The problem is in the amount of objects that must be loaded in the client is too much and the application stops handling that. So solve this problem use just a datagrid and retrieve the data with a XPath from the database. This will load just the first 20 records and show them, instead of retrieving 15.000 items.


The problem is in the amount of objects that must be loaded in the client is too much and the application stops handling that. So solve this problem use just a datagrid and retrieve the data with a XPath from the database. This will load just the first 20 records and show them, instead of retrieving 15.000 items.
