Empty boolean value in webservice

I'm consuming a web service that enables me to update a ticket in an external system, the external system's WSDL contains boolean elements. The rule for updates is that I only sent values that are actually updated, in case a boolean field has not changed, I don't want the boolean value in the message. My problem is that Mendix doesn't allow empty (null) boolean values, I've even tried using a convert microflow that has a java action which return an empty boolean, but no luck so far. The only thing I can think of now is to manipulate the WSDL of the web service I'm consuming, replacing all the boolean elements with string elements and translating the boolean values from Mendix into "true", "false" or, when nothing has changed, an empty value. I don't like to do that for two reasons, the first being that I'm deviating from the WSDL and secondly, the WSDL is HUGE and I'm not looking forwards to remapping the whole thing. Any one has any ideas?!
2 answers

It is a bit of a guess but you can try to add nillable

<element name="finned" type="xsd:boolean" nillable="true" />

Even this is quite old topic, the solution is to use convert microflow  as stated by Rolf Bolt.

Example: https://modelshare.mendix.com/models/7bc30621-ceda-4d74-86f6-80edcd9a2930/empty-boolean-convert-microflow

You could (should) set such microflow in your import mapping for all boolean elements.
