LicencePoolManager java actions compile fails during V5 Upgrade

When upgrading to Mendix 5 the LicencePoolManager add in module fails to compile. It seems to be similar to the problems that were experienced earlier with CommunityCommons and emailTemplates. I am not familiar with the JavaAction coding and debugging. Can anyone help with where I should start or point me in the right direction to sort this? I have included below the java compile listing: compile: [javac] Compiling 386 source files to C:\Users\David\Documents\ATLCCM-ATLCCM_V5_2\deployment\run\bin [javac] C:\Users\David\Documents\ATLCCM-ATLCCM_V5_2\javasource\licensepoolmanager\ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : constructor UserAction() [javac] location: class com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.UserAction<com.mendix.core.action.user.LoginAction> [javac] super(); [javac] ^ [javac] C:\Users\David\Documents\ATLCCM-ATLCCM_V5_2\javasource\licensepoolmanager\actions\ addUserAction(java.lang.Class<? extends com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.UserAction<?>>) in com.mendix.core.Core cannot be applied to (java.lang.String) [javac] Core.addUserAction(LPMLoginAction.class.getName()); [javac] ^ [javac] C:\Users\David\Documents\ATLCCM-ATLCCM_V5_2\javasource\licensepoolmanager\actions\ cannot find symbol [javac] symbol : constructor UserAction() [javac] location: class com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.core.UserAction<java.lang.Boolean> [javac] super(); [javac] ^ [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [javac] Note: C:\Users\David\Documents\ATLCCM-ATLCCM_V5_2\javasource\com\mendix\core\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [javac] 3 errors Thank you for any help.
2 answers

You should probably ask the creator of the module to update it for Mendix 5. It looks like there are 2 problems. First it's calling addUserAction with a String instead of a class. Second and third it's calling an empty constructor of UserAction that no longer exists, it should pass context here. If you're not familiar with Java coding I wouldn't mess with it myself but it's not impossible to fix.


The Licencepoolmanager has now been updated for version 5. With the latest version of V5 the conversion process completes without problems.
