I have run into the following problem three or four times in the last week: I have an entity called Report I have an associated entity called ReportDocument which inherits from System.FileDocument In a microflow, I create a new ReportDocument object and generate a document into the new ReportDocument object using a PDF template If the user executing this microflow does not have Create permission on the ReportDocument entity, Mendix does not throw an error or indicate this security issue in any way - I just see a processing message on an ongoing basis. What am I doing wrong - is this a bug?
Mike Kumpf
2 answers
Are you running the microflow with "Apply entity access" set to true or false? The default is false, in which case the microflow is run with system rights, not the rights of the user.
Are you downloading the the report document right after you create it? And if you are, are you sure you set read rights on the contents of the file document object?