SMTP localhost

I have got the MxSmtp server deployed and running. In the Dashboard the hostname is the ip-adres of localhost and portnumber is 25. The MxSmtp server has been started with these settings. However, when trying 'telnet localhost 25' in the commandline, the result is not the ip-number of localhost, but another ipnumber, followed by portnumber 25. There is only one MxSmtp.ServerSetting record. My question is, why is the MxSmtp server using another ip-number for localhost, and where can I change this? This might be due to previous configurations, but I don't know where to find this, besides the MxSmtp dashboard itself.
3 answers

If telnet localhost 25 returns anything other than, something is very wrong on your machine; not with mxsmtp. Do you have an IP hardcoded in your hosts file or a DNS server that returns that address?


Hi Thijs,

what is the alternative ip number you get? Not sure but it might be configured automatically, your local machine might have multiple ip numbers (usually it does). Is this number listed as well if you type 'ipconfig' in a windows console (windows key + r > cmd (enter) > ipconfing (enter)


There was another Mendix service running on this machine, I wasn't aware of this. This service had also a MxSmtp service running. After shutting this service down, the ip-number of localhost could be changed.
