Use Database Dump from Prod on Test

Hi all, I was wondering: one of our Clients wants to have their Test Environment updated with Production data once every half year. I'm fairly new to the standard cloud. In the custom cloud I can dump a DB from production and restore it anywhere I want. What I see in the Standard cloud is the possibility to restore a DB within an environment (restore a test DB in test), but not cross-environment so to speak. Anyone knows if and how this can be done? Thanks!
2 answers

We're (slowly) rolling out a second generation backups system to all customers. That system allows you to directly move data from test to production, accp, whatever. It's also a lot faster and supports larger datasets. The only caveat is that you currently can't upload backups to restore.

If you'd like to move to the next system earlier you can file a ticket for this.



On the backup tab under deploy there is the option to upload a database. Then use the uploaded database for your restore.
