Exception in the image carousel

Hi, I was trying to give a better look to my application and while using the Image Carousel from the app store i got an exception popping in my home form saying : "Error when loading url MyFirstModule/homeform.mxf: Could not load class 'SprintrFeedbackWidget.SprintrFeedback" Let me frame the situation concisely; i have an entity Images in MyFirstModule which has a specialization with the System.Image and it has attributes ImageNumber,ImageURL,ImageCaption. etc. Is there any significant mistake which i am overlooking or this same problem had occurred to anyone else before! Please help me with your suggestions.
2 answers

Bitan -

it seems like the issue is with the Feedback widget....maybe the image carousel has some kind of conflict with Feedback. Do you get the same result if you remove the feedback widget from the page? How about if you leave the feedback widget on the page and remove the image carousel? Does the error happen every time you go to the page or intermittently?

Just some troubleshooting ideas.



OK - looking at the documentation for image carousel, there are 2 flavors of the widget. The first flavor is for images stored outside of your Mendix application and requires a URL for each widget. Seems like this is the one that you are trying to use, but if you have images stored inside your Mendix application, as you indicated in your original post, you should use the Dataview Carousel. This would work in situations where you have an entity in Mendix - lets say building - and another entity with a generalization of System.Images - lets say photos - that has a 1:M association with building. In this case, you could create a dataview of Building and put the Dataview Carousel inside of that dataview. Then you would configure the Dataview Carousel to point to the Photos entity and use an XPath constraint like this: [MyFirstModule.Photos_Building = '[%CurrentObject%]']

Hope this helps.
