Configure JProfiler to monitor Mendix server

Hello, Would you please guide me on how to configure JProfiler to check Mendix server, we have a critical issue in the production server, it causes the server to hang, and windows handlers are reaching to 9000 handles!!, and number of threads are reaching to 1700, and we have almost 350 database connections. I need to know what is going on please, this project is huge project in UAE, and we need to fix this issue ASAP.
2 answers

You might need the following options for java during startup:


** Replace <server-hostname> off course with ...


You can use JProfiler:

  • Download windows client, install on a desktop
  • Run mendix runtime
  • Download jprofiler executable on the server
  • Start bin/jpenable on the server (this will enable jprofiler to connect from your desktop to the server)
  • Start JProfiler client, connect to the server on the port indicated by jpenable
  • Start profiling

Installation procedure for Jprofile is documented in, see section B.3.10 Attaching To JVM.

By using jpenable, you don't have to change anything in your Mendix configuration.

Some screenshots here: Profiling Mendix using JProfile
