Embedding an image that resides on the Mendix server in a regular web page

This afternoon I have tried if it is possible to embed an image that I have uploaded in a Mendix application into a regular web page that resides on a different server. I got a clue via this forum post that mentions the possibility of using a URL like this: http://localhost//file?fileID=123456 Unfortunately the URL only works when a user is logged in in Mendix in one of the browser tabs of the browser he/she uses. I suspected that the URL would work if Anonymous has read privileges for the entity that I use to store the uploaded image, but it looks like this is not the case. Or am I doing something wrong maybe? Update 5 Feb 2014: I tried the suggestion below using a deeplink and a download action at the end of the microflow to return the image. When I call the deeplink directly, it shows the image in a popup window. But when I include the deeplink in an < img src="" > tag, it still does not work. Any help or advice is appreciated.
3 answers

Thanks you Bas van den Broek for pointing me into the right direction to solve this challenge. I have managed to create a custom request handler by using this blog post on the Mendix blog and by peeking into the java source code of the DeepLink module and the Creative Commons String utils.


I did the following to get this to work for images:

  • Follow the steps from the blog [here] as was already mentioned in this post

  • Get rid of the 'toJSONString(..)'' method as we don't need it for images

  • Ensure that the object you retrieve inherits from the FileDocument entity, i retrieve it by FileID

  • Replace the code that creates the streams by the following:

        OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
        InputStream answerStream = Core.getFileDocumentContent(systemContext, ourObject);
        IOUtils.copy(answerStream, outputStream);
  • Register your Requesthandler URL also in your cloud environment configuration (separate tab for that) so that is also works in the cloud


Theo - check out the DeepLink module in the appstore. With deeplink, you should be able to build a microflow that retrieves and downloads an image.

