Thousand separators

By showing currencies / amounts in a dataview and datagrid, how do I set thousand separators?
2 answers

You can use the 'Show group separators' functionality.

For a datagrid select a column (to which a currency attribute is associated) and go to properties. The last option under appearance is 'Show group separators'. Set this option to 'True'.

For a dataview select the inputfield (to which a currency attribute is associated) and go to properties. The last option under appearance is 'Show group separators'. Set this option to 'True'.

With the option 'Decimal precision' (one above 'Show group separators') you can decide how many decimal values you would like to show. Simply set the appropriate number.


Both the data grid column and the (data view) text box have the property "Show group separators". By setting this property to "True", separators will be shown for currencies displayed in those widgets.
