404 - file not found for file: xas/ after converting to Mx5

Hi there, After "Successfully" converting my 4.7.2 project to 5.1.1 it starts fine but when accessing the URL this shows: And in the console : 404 - file not found for file: xas/ I have cleared the theming from the old project and cleared cache on Chrome and Firefox but still not dice. Anyone know why this might be happening? Thanks EDIT : This is the warning
3 answers

You should check your modeler if you see an OSGi error/warning during startup (pretty sure it's a warning). Seems to be a problem with Calculated values converting from 4.x.x to 5.x.x


I have the same issue in a project that is created with Mendix 5.5.0.

One of the virtual attributes was easy to change into a stored attribute.

The other is not: it is intended to display a multilanguage attribute in the language of the user, like in this topic: Multi language design models. Results of a knowledge network day.


I had this error when calling a snippet of a generalized entity with a specialized entity.
