Error using Questionnaire App, No form defined.

Hi all, I'm trying to use the Questionnaire App from the App market in Mendix version 5.2, everything works fine except for the actual 'taking' of a newly created questionnaire. When I click the 'take' button the following error appears: ".parseConfig: No form defined for Entity Questionnaire.Element. Check the form mapping!" Something must have went wrong in the conversion from Mendix 4.7 to 5.2, but I can't seem to find out what. Some help would be greatly appreciated!
3 answers

This is due to the dataview list widget not working in Mendix 5.2.0. You should upgrade to 5.3.0 and use the new list view functionality as a replacement.


Thanks Simon, replacing the dataViewList widget does the trick! Second step is getting the properties for the ListView right. Do you have any further pointers?


To get the Questionnaire functionality working again, I performed the following steps:

  • Upgrade to Mx5.3
  • Perform a advanced search on 'addon widgets' of type DataViewList (in the Questionnaire you'll find [Page_Edit])
  • Remove the DataViewList (note that it uses another form called [Element_Edit])
  • Use the table from this [Element_Edit] and drop it into where previously the DataViewList was (don't take the dataview itself, not needed)
  • Set attributes as follows; Sort order: [Sequence (ascending)]