Mendix support for IE-11.0

Dear Mendix Team, We would like to know if Mendix supports IE-11.0. As we are using Mendix for one of the our critical applications named 'NITRA' for KPN BV. Currently this application is in development phase and it is deployed on production environment in a phased manner; around 500 users are using this application on IE-8.0 and IE-9.0. KPN workspace intends to upgrade Internet Explorer version soon into IE-11.0. As we are planning to upgrade current version (IE-8.0 and IE-9.0) of Internet Explorer to IE-11.0, hence let us know if this version ( of Mendix is compitable with IE-11.0. If not, then please let us know the possibility to support IE-11.0 or any workaround for this. Appreciate yours quick reply! Thanks & Regards, Prasad.
1 answers

If you're using a hotfix release right now ( you really should migrate to the latest Mendix 4. This version has some important fixes anyway, also see I don't know if IE11 is supported on this version, but I do know there won't be a hotfix applied to a hotfix.
