Most Stable Mendix Version in 6.X?

Hey folks, Could someone suggest me the most stable version of Mendix in 6.X for creating a New Project. As per the previous releases 6.5 and 6.7.1 are most stable and supports most Apps and Widgets from Appstore. Any Suggestions or Recommendations would be appreciated!!
7 answers

I just upgraded one of our apps to Mendix 6.8.1 from 6.6.0 and didn't run in to any issues whatsoever.


I second an opinion that 6.x versions are generally stable.  There is a trade-off related to the age of version, because older software has been in the circulation for a longer period of time allowing for descovering more bugs, while newer editions include more contemporary fixes, but fewer widgets may have been adopted (also, new bugs tend to be introduced - Myrphy's Law).

Our software-shop has a significant experience with 6.6: they seem stable and capable of high load.  I personally think well of 6.8 too, but I have not stressed this version as much as I have done so to 6.6.

Please, comment anybody: does it matter in Mendix if the number is odd (6.7, 6.9) or even (6.6, 6.8, 6.10) like it was in the Linux world, where even numbers were stable, whereas odd nubers were not ment for production?


I'm currently using 6.7.1, did an upgrade to 6.8.1, but found out that 6.8.1 has a problem with refreshing nested dataviews when the top-level dataview has "listen to widget" as datasource.


I think we still have a current user problem in 6.7.1. We have a microflow which checks if the current user exist, but we see in the cloud that half the time this microflow stops at the split where the check is done. Locally all works though. Still investigating that one because we need to be able to reproduce it for a support ticket.




Which version is most suitable mainly depends on your project I think. If you don't need the fixes or improvements from newer versions (e.g. 6.7 or 6.8), it may be safer to stick to 6.6. I say this, as those two versions have many optimizations (mainly client-server communications). These optimizations may break your old constructions, especially old workarounds.

On the other hand, stability seems to be fine within all of the versions we've been running on in the past couple of months. Version, 6.5.1, 6.6.0, and 6.7.1 are all able to handle the large amount of traffic we put through them.


I second an opinion that 6.x versions are generally stable.  There is a trade-off related to the age of version, because older software has been in the circulation for a longer period of time allowing for descovering more bugs, while newer editions include more contemporary fixes, but fewer widgets may have been adopted (also, new bugs tend to be introduced - Myrphy's Law).

Our software-shop has a significant experience with 6.6: they seem stable and capable of high load.  I personally think well of 6.8 too, but I have not stressed this version as much as I have done so to 6.6.

Please, comment anybody: does it matter in Mendix if the number is odd (6.7, 6.9) or even (6.6, 6.8, 6.10) like it was in the Linux world, where even numbers were stable, whereas odd nubers were not ment for production?


I am currently running on 6.10.3 and I find it stable. I didn't run into major issues yet. But I think it depends on what you want to do with your project :) 
