As I normally run Mendix on premise, I thought I would try running an application in the Sandbox with the new Community Edition to familiarise myself with the functionality. I have created the team server application and deployed it to the Sandbox in the Modeler. However, when I try to open the app by clicking the View App button in the Modeler, it launches the browser, but gives a File Not Found error with the message: Firefox can't find the file at If I go to the url, I get my login screen, but of course I do not have any logins defined yet. The MxAdmin login in the Modeler does not work, nor does my personal MxID login. (I did try the advice in this post and copied the microflow from the standard User Management module, but to no effect.) Can anyone tell me what I am missing? How do I set the MxAdmin password on the sandbox, or how do I make the initial connection to be able to set up account data?
David Sanders
1 answers
Doh!! Found it. I had failed to add the After Startup microflow from the AppCloudServices module to the project settings. Seems to me working OK now.