Two related problems??

Input appriciated I have two problems that timing-wise seem to be related, occuring within seconds of each other: 1) I have one specific user in the app whom, with some regularity, gets an invalid password message, which she ignores, and after 4 or 5 seconds simply resends allowing her to gain access. 2) right about that same moment I see these warning in the log Blockquote 2014-04-24 15:23:34.953 WARNING - Caching: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "Symbol,normal,400". 2014-04-24 15:23:34.953 WARNING - Caching: Font "ZapfDingbats,normal,700" not found. Substituting with "ZapfDingbats,normal,400". 2014-04-24 15:23:35.007 WARNING - Caching: Content overflows the viewport of the fo:region-before on page 1 in block-progression direction by 15984 millipoints. (See position 1:1139) Are these related? and can anyone point me in the direction of a sollution?
1 answers

I would be surprised if they are related (but I've been surprised before).

Problem 2 is a warning that is related to the PDF exporter. The first line tells you that some fonts or font sizes are not available. The second tells you that the PDF exporter want to put some text inside a box (or table etc) that is too small to contain that text, so the text might be cut off. If your PDF exports look fine, you can probably ignore these.

Problem 1 sounds more serious. Is your user actually entering the wrong password when she gains access? Or is the 'invalid password error' wrong? Can you reproduce this problem with other users? Are you using any login replacement fucntionality such as SSO, LDAP or SAML modules?
