Updated Calendar Widget fails to render, shows error message

Just updated the Calendar Widget in my Mendix 5.3.2 project to version 1.11. This version should fix display of the color enumeration. After updating the widget, it does not render at all. Instead of a nice calendar I only see an error message printed in red font: Could not create widget calendar.widget.calendar: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined. The stracktrace does not show any error. I don't have a clue where to look for a solution. Any help would be appreciated.
3 answers

I would advise to file a ticket with a test project, as this issue did not occur while testing it in our available projects.

Thanks in advance.


If your Calendar is in a listengrid, make sure the sending datagrid has the property 'Select first' enabled. Also, you can check whether the xpath of your calendarwidget is properly set to limit for the selection in your datagrid. Should end in something like "CalendarObject_DatagridObject/DatagridObject/id=[%CurrentObject%]"


Hi Theo Tol You take two table in this page . First Table : One row & One column and after that you can set your calendar wight in this table. Second Table : One row & three column and after that you set your calendar wight in second column of first row .

After that you open property of second table and write in style box * display: none; * . Compile your app it's may be not show any error message .


Vipender Kumar
