Upgrading JRE to 1.7 when on Mendix 4.7.2

Hi, We are running Mendix 4.7.2. of Mendix (on premise Windows) and are considering an upgrade of the server java (now on 1.6) to 1.7. On the mendix website: https://world.mendix.com/display/refguide4/System+Requirements It is stated that there are some issues with 1.7: Starting from Mendix 4.1, we do support JRE 1.7 update 5 or higher. However there is still an issue with this version, causing timeouts when using Web Services with a certain amount of data. You can circumvent this issue by adding the VM params "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true". My questions: 1. Does the proposed setting resolve the issue (100% no issue anymore) or is it a 80% solution? 2. Is it recommended to upgrade to the 1.7 release? Thanks.
1 answers

Hi Brian, we're also running Mendix 4.7.2 on premise and never had any issues. We upgraded to java 7 after migrating to a previous version of Mendix 4 and never had any issues like the one stated in your question.

Our app is using hosting and calling webservices extensively and also very large messages and never had timeouts or issues with the webservices. This is not an answer to your questions, but it could help you making a decision.
