Hai Joost,
You can't use tokens like that in a xpath retrieve from a database. You need to create a variable and check that against your database. Your xpath will be something like:
[firstActionDate=empty or firstActionDate< $FiveDaysAgo]
Before you do your retrieve you need to create a datetime variable, which is 5 days ago. You can use this expression:
This way you create a datetime with the value of 5 days ago and store this one in a variable. This variable can be used in a xpath retrieve and tokens cannot, because the xpath retrieve will be translated to a SQL query.
I think your ' ' are wrong:
[createdDate < '[%CurrentDateTime%] - 5 * [%DayLength%]' ]
is a valid xPath constraint in my case
Although this is quite an old topic, I would like to add something that tripped me up and that is that you MUST use spaces around the operators if you want to use period related tokens.
I found this in a fairly recent comment by Frank Wagenaar in a very old topic ( https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/5 )
I struggled with this too.. XPATH supports a long(ish) list of Date / Duration functions, but Mendix offers only a limited subset of them. http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#component-extraction-functions
I worked around this, in somewhat dirty manner, but creating a "DateTimeHelper" entity - a database table with just one record, which gets updated every X hours (or when you need those numbers). Next, create a many:one relation from your table to this record. And, use the following in XPATH -
[myDate > Module.MyTable_DateTimeHelper/Module.DateTimeHelper/5DaysBeforeToday ]
Limitation: the "5Days" is kind of fixed. You can't make 5 a user changeable parameter.