WebServices: Host address for WSDL could not be determined, defaulting to HTTP header Host

Hi, I installed Mendix on the CentOS6.5. The Mendix verion is 5.3.2. I use Apache for the front end. When I call the wsdl root url, it did not start with "http://". For example, When I called the url, "http://domain/ws-doc/", its contents are like this. test_service The WSDL schema is located at *domain*/ws-doc/test_service?wsdl It should start with "http://domain/...", but it starts with "domain/..." And its url link is like this. *domain*/ws-doc/*domain*/ws-doc/test_service?wsdl "domain/ws-doc/" is duplicated. If I call domain/ws-doc/test_service?wsdl, I could see its contents. But the location part is like this. <wsdl:port name="test_servicePort" binding="tns:test_serviceSoap"> <soap:address location="domain/ws/test_service"/> </wsdl:port> The location doesn't start with "http://", and the web service is not working. Why it is not starting with "http://"? Why there is duplicated value? (domain/ws-doc/) Thank you.
2 answers

Did you correctly configure the application root URL in the m2ee.yaml file? The URLs in the WSDL of your published services are based on that setting.

It should look like this in your m2ee.yaml file:

 ApplicationRootUrl: http(s)://domain.ext/path/to/app

For example, if your app is running on http://www.myapp.com/, that is what you put in the ApplicationRootUrl setting.


Hi Benny,

Thank you. You are right. I missed the setting. I have thought I missed something to be set, but I did not know what I had to do. I installed the Mendix first time.

Thank you for your help.
