Retrieve objects in java with Core.retrieveXpath where a reference != empty

I want to retrieve a number of objects where the reference is filled. This object is an Account. The Account object has an 1-1 reference to System.User. The reference is called: Account_User. I already tried the folowing constructions: List<<imendixobject>IMendixObject> accounts = Core.retrieveXPathQuery(context, "//" + Account.getType() + "[" + Account.MemberNames.Account_User + "!=null]" ); List<<imendixobject>IMendixObject> accounts = Core.retrieveXPathQuery(context, "//" + Account.getType() + "[" + Account.MemberNames.Account_User + "!='null']" ); What am I doing wrong?
1 answers

You can omit the part saying !='null entirely and add the referenced object name to the query

Some sample code that will do this:

    String object1Meta = Object1.entityName.toString();
    String object2Meta = Object2.entityName.toString();
    String relationMeta = Object1.MemberNames.Object1_Object2.toString();
    List<IMendixObject> objects = Core.retrieveXPathQueryEscaped(this.getContext(), "//%s[%s/%s]", object1Meta, relationMeta, object2Meta);
    System.out.println("printing all object 1 descriptions for object 1's which have a relation to an object 2");
    for (IMendixObject iMendixObject : objects)
        System.out.println("object description: " + iMendixObject.getValue(Object1.MemberNames.Object1Description.toString()));

To invert this (to get all objects WITHOUT a reference) you can do this:

List<IMendixObject> objects = Core.retrieveXPathQueryEscaped(this.getContext(), "//%s[not (%s/%s)]", object1Meta, relationMeta, object2Meta);

To simplify the first example, you could put all parameters hardcoded in the query like this:

List<IMendixObject> objects = Core.retrieveXPathQuery(this.getContext(), "//MyFirstModule.Object1[MyFirstModule.Object1_Object2/MyFirstModule.Object2]");

You will run into trouble if you rename anything in your model though.
