App Store does not show whats added recently ...

Hi Mx, I used to go through the list of recently added items in the App Store to get acquainted with new pearls. The new App Store doesn't seem to allow for this, at least, I didn't find it so far. Could you please bring that option back? Thanks.
2 answers

Hi Toon,

Would be nice to have such a feature

As an alternative; Opening the app store form within your modeler, shows you a list sorted by update date,

Cheers Andries


Thanks for the feedback. This feature does exist and I agree it is well hidden at the moment:

If you're logged in with your MXId account (enter App Store from Launchpad) you can navigate to 'Featured' -> View all. On that page, or from any other category, you can apply a sort filter.

I'll make sure a story about this will be added to the backlog.
