Error Help : Undefined layout Layouts.DesktopLayout (no layout Layouts.DesktopLayout).

i made a new app, nothing special. go to the app store and 1) first step i had to get "Mx Model Reflection" which is needed for 2) Database replication, then once installed cool but have 8 errors for first 3 comes from document - Layout 'DBRepDesktop' & 'DBRepPopup' : 1) Undefined layout 'Layouts.DesktopLayout' (no layout 'Layouts.DesktopLayout'). 2) Undefined placeholder 'Layouts.DesktopLayout.Content' (no layout 'Layouts.DesktopLayout'). 3) Undefined layout 'Layouts.PopupLayout' (no layout 'Layouts.PopupLayout'). im very new to mendix and don't not sure how to fix these errors. if i doubclick on the first error it takes me to the layout control DBRepDesktop here is what the layout looks like .
1 answers


In the properties of your page there is an option to set the layout. You probably have pages that use a layout that is not available, just find these pages and change the layout to what you need. This error comes from the selection you made when creating a new app, the selection you made and the modules that you are importing are not directly completely compatible, but it's a quick fix
