How to install Login form widget in Mx 5

How do I install the Login form widget in Mendix 5? According to the documentation I have to add a line of code to index.html: Insert this line of HTML in the index page: <script type="text/javascript" src="widgets/loginsystem/lib/CookieExtender.js"></script> right below this line: <script type="text/javascript" src="mxclientsystem/mendix/mendix.js"></script> In the index.html file however there is no such line with mendix.js. Without the adjustment this login form is working except for the automatic login 'remember me' functionality.
1 answers

I'm no expert on widgets, but I think it should work if you put that line at the bottom of your page body, so just after the line "<script src="mxclientsystem/mxui/mxui.js"></script>" (in Mendix 5).
