Sir, I can import Email Template web service in my application then after three Error will be occur :- 1) Could not find widget type 'RichText.widget.SimpleRichTextEditor' in the "widgets" directory. Custom widget 'simpleRichTextEditor2' Page 'EmailTemplateEdit' EmailTemplate . 2) Could not find widget type 'RichText.widget.SimpleRichTextEditor' in the "widgets" directory. Custom widget 'simpleRichTextEditor1' Page 'EmailTemplateNew' EmailTemplate. 3) Could not find widget type 'RichText.widget.SimpleRichTextEditor' in the "widgets" directory. Custom widget 'simpleRichTextEditor1' Page 'EmailTemplate_New' EmailTemplate. I can use mendix version 5.5.0 and I can import MX Model Reflation Plz give me solution...
Chakresh Kumar
1 answers
I guess you need the widget simpleRichTextEditor....