Get current form in microflow

Hi there, I am searching for a method to get the form name in the microflow from which the microflow is initiated by a click on a button. So I have on form EmployeeNewEdit a button with microflow GetFormName without any input vars. On form CompanyNewEdit I have a same button calling aswell microflow GetFormName. In the first situation it knows the origin is EmployeeNewEdit and in the second CompanyNewEdit. Hopefully somebody can help me. Thanks in advance. Wouter
2 answers

If you want to have state in a process, the best approach is to create a transient object on which you store this state, and connect the object(s) you are trying to view / edit to that transient object. Any state you need can then be stored in in that object, like the form which is currently used.


Another approach would be to let your forms first call a microflow that will call the other microflow with the name of the form as parameter. E.g.:

Form -> microflow1 -> microflow2(name of form)

Microflow2 should eventually be able to act on the name of the form.
