Looking for Barcodescanner for mendix apps.

We need to connect a hand scanner device to our software solution. This scanner has of course to scan a barcode, Retrieve a product based and export this into data towards the system. Besides this standard functionality of scanners, the device (type) we need should also have a feature for programming an "after scan" event so that a microflow can be triggered to process the scanned barcode. Those anybody have the experience with a kind of a device as written? (manufacturor, devicetype/model etc.)
2 answers

I have done a pilot project for a customer using a bluetooth barcode scanner.

Advantages over tablet camera were:

  • Scanner works just fine even when there is little light.
  • Scanner can act as input device so no special configuration in the application is necessary. Put an onChange event on the textbox to trigger a microflow.
  • It is also possible to store scanned data in the scanner and transmit it when back at the desk.

I tested with a KoamTac scanner and an iPad2. Application was not Mendix based but JavaScript/HTML5


There is a BarcodeScanner module in the appstore. This will process images of barcodes so any camera will do. In the past I have used Abbyy with Flexicapture to do barcode scanning from documents. This will produce an xml file with all the info.

From the hardware point of view I would go for the images. Then all mobile phone devices can be used. But the choice for the hardware is defined by the business process you want to make. If you need a dedicated barcode scanner most scanners have custom software that produce the data. I have no experience with such kind of scanners.


