Time part of DateTime in Mendix

Hi, I'm using Mendix 2.4.5 and I can't find how to present and edit the time part of a DateTime field. On a form it uses the DatePicker, but there is no time part in there. Can anyone explain how to use the time part? Thanks, Bart using Enzo's account
4 answers


Thanks for the answer. I implemented the following:

1) Per DateTime field a String field of length 8 to contain hh:mm:ss

2) A regular expression to format the string: (([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]

3) The String field besides the DatePicker field

4) Microflow to set the String field on change of the DatePicker field, as suggested: formatDateTime($Object/DateTimeField,'HH:mm:ss')

5) Microflow to set the DatePicker field on change of the String field parseDateTime(formatDateTime($Object/DateTimeField,'dd-MM-yyyy')+' '+$Object/StringField,'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss')

6) When setting the DateTime from other places also set the String field.

This is a lot of work for what I think should be in the tool automatically.

I would like to know if Mendix intends to implement a DateTime field?

Can I alter the DatePicker dialog and field somewhere to include time?

Kind regards,



An option is to use a string attribute. You can set this string value by calling a microflow triggered on change of the DatePicker. By setting the string value, you can use a microflow expression: formatDateTime($object/Date,'HH:mm:ss') and set it to string.

Further, you can make the input field time editable, which enables users to edit the time.


Hi Bart,

In our upcoming release, Mendix 2.5, we implemented options to render the time part of a DateTime attribute in dataview fields and grid columns. We will also provide a timepicker via our AppStore.


Hi Johan,

Thanks for the answer. This sounds good. As soon as the beta is available I would like to have a look at it.

Why also via the AppStore? Is there a basic widget included in 2.5 and some advanced features via the AppStore?

Kind regards,

