When using the ExcelExporter, something strange happens. The template contains some DateTime values. After opening the export, the format of the DateTime value's is correct, but not displayed in the right format. Example 1: 01-01-2014 is displayed in Excel as 01-01-2014. Example 2: after modifying this value to 02-01-2014, the value is displayed as 2-1-2014. Something happens with the format of the cell after typing in Excel. When using the Exporter, the DateTime values are converted to String values. I need the Mendix-DateTime values also to be Excel-DateTime values because a third-party system is importing the Excel files and it crashes because of the string value. Does anyone has a suggestion?
Thijs Schoemaker
2 answers
The ExcelExporter module used an older version of a Java library to export the Excel. That version didn't support exporting a date as date but only as String. That is why Excel doesn't recognize the value as a date.
Can you please fill in a support ticket so we can investigate if newer versions of the Java library supports exporting dates as an Excel date?
Joël vd Graaf
Did you set the 'Date export format' property of the Export-to-Excel button to 'Date value'? That should result in date values instead of string values in Excel.