After login and when refresh an error occurred

After login I get the error: An error occurred, please contact your system administrator ( I get the dutch version: "Er is een fout opgetreden, neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder.") The only place it the model where I can find this message is in "System texts" The error occur also when you give a refresh ( F5 ). I've tried it with another homepage, but the error is still there. The console in the modeler, give me no hint. Even when I set the log level on "Trace"
7 answers

Hey Jan. I was getting the same error (in English) after converting to 5.6. After checking out index-console.html, I could see that the widgets.js file could not be loaded. This is probably due to some custom widgets not being Mendix 5 compatible.

My advice to you:

  1. Use index-console.html to see the client side error. If it's the same as mine (and I suspect it is),
  2. Go through and remove your widgets 1 by 1 until you no longer get the error.

I had older widgets like FormLoader and FormViewList still loaded even though I wasn't using them.


I've seen this error occur when Lazy reference selector or FormTooltip custom widgets were added to the project.

Please check if this error still occurs if you remove these widgets from your project.

For the tooltip there is an update in the appstore which will fix this issue. The lazy reference selecter does not (yet).


It might be related to something that's happening on the client side. Try the network and console tabs of your browser's development tools. If these provide insufficient information, you can also try using the index-console.html page instead of the regular index.html.


Had the same problem after upgrading to today. The widget MobileLogin created the problem. Removed it and excluded the loginform that causes trouble from my project.

However, importing the last version of the widget into my project is not solving the problem. Now I am without a mobile login screen....

More suggestions, or should I file a ticket?


Had the same problem in Mx5.5 with a windows configuration. For some reason the /server folder was empty. Also, we used the ARR for the URL rewriting, instead of the rewriter configuration as described here. Mendix support can help you probably with a manual for ARR.


I am also getting this issue. All I did was moving around modules by dragging them into a new sequence in the project explorer.

I deleted my deployment folder, reset the theme to default and removed all custom widgets. I even exported my project and reopened as a new project and it still happens. No clue is given as to what is happening in either the console or any of the chrome developer tools. Just an error popup after you login. After closing that the App works fine, which suggests that the Widget/JS subsystem is okay. Even if the landing page is absolutely blank this still happens with nothing in the layout either. Very very strange...

[UPDATE] I was able to reproduce this. In Mendix 5.9.1, if you reorder the modules in your modeler's project explorer, this problem occurs. Not every module triggers this behaviour and I can't say what the recipe is to trigger it consistently. If I create a new Module and move the FOLDERS of the problematic Module to the new one, I also get this behaviour. So its something problematic inside the module. Perhaps a snippet or a form.

Also, what is odd is the precise spelling of this error, it reads: "An error occured, please contact your system administrator."

Occurred is misspelled. As far as I know, this message is spelled correctly elsewhere. Might be useful to track it that way.


Also, what is odd is the precise spelling of this error, it reads: An error occured, please contact your system administrator.

Occurred is misspelled. As far as I know, this message is spelled correctly elsewhere. Might be useful to track it that way.
