Help needed: does anyone have experience with, or ideas for adding graphs in documents

What the title says For some reason I am under the assumption that it was possible to have graph-elements incorporated in document templates.... ?? Is there a way to do that? Is anyone working on a way to do that? Bar that the Modeler allows you to create a "print screen", is this functionality available to incorporate into out apps? the way we currently resovled this is to export to Excel, generate graphs, print screen to Paint and C&P into system.image inheriting objects....... but there is a LOT of manual actions in there, making it accident prone!
3 answers

It has been done in the past using dynamic images in a document template. What you have to do is first render the graphs on the screen, then convert these to images and save these in the mendix system with a reference to another object. Once this is done you can view the images in the document template.

I have seen it done before so know its possible, i just don't know the technical pieces of it.


Its not much fun to get it working, but it is possible.


We use jaspersoft to create a custom report. However this will not run on a public cloud slot atm.
