App Store Widget: DropBox Chooser & Saver

This forum topic it to give feedback on the app store widget 'DropBox Chooser & Saver' created By Flock of Birds. These Mendix widgets allows to interact with the user's Dropbox. The widgets can work with multiple files at the time. The DropBox Chooser widget access to files in your users' Dropboxes. And let them store them in your Mendix app. The DropBox Saver widget let your users save Mendix App files into their DropBox with a couple clicks. Video Demo: The widget is ready to use and is published at the App Store but unfortunately we can not provide it for free in commercial use. Development costs need to be shared, so at small fee we can provide it to you. If you are interested in the widget please contact us at Uploads or Save a single file to Dropbox Uploads or Save Multiple file to Dropbox Choose files from Dropbox Save Files to Dropbox Tested in in many variation
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