How do I add a URL to a microflow to take me to a external link?

I need to add a blog and it needs to be linked externally, how do I go about by doing this. I dont want it to be in the sub item but linked directly from the drop down menu. for eg About us > Blog > takes you to page. Thanks guys!
2 answers

I'm guessing you want this from the navbar? The just add the About as a menu and blog as a menu item. The blog menu item links to a microflow that opens a newly created form with a url redirector (downloaded from the app store) make sure to fill the url redirector with the desired url and this will automagically take you to the blog site. More details can be found in the documentation for the widget in the appstore.


You can not put a url in the menu. As alternative you can show a form with a url redirector.
