Set default value in reference selector

I'd like to display the full user name (not login, but an object that has a reference with System.User) in a form. I made a form with a reference selector, containing all users. After that I added the following XPath contraint: [id='[%CurrentUser%]'] (This will make sure only the full user name of the current user is available in the reference selector). Now I would like the reference selector to automatically select the user name instead of the default (empty) value. Is there a way to eliminate the emty value, so the reference selector automatically selects the current users full name or should I solve this problem in a different way?
1 answers

Two possible ways:

-Fill in the default value of the reference to System.User with 'CurrentUser' (in the modeler)

-Replace the default 'new' and 'edit' buttons by microflow triggers, this way you can tweak the behaviour any way you like to
