Interface table

How to create Interface table in domain model..?
4 answers

I think you shoul elaborate a bit more about what kind of problems you have. What are you trying to achieve that is not working?

[EDIT after elaboration] I assume you want to set a reference after an import? When you do the import with the Excel importer you can set the reference there (by selecting reference instead of attribute and setting the keys to look for the referenced object).

But most of the time I just set the reference afterwards. I import all the tables to import entities. After the import I use microflows to copy all the imported data to the entities that hold the true data. This way you have far more control on how the import goes because you can first check how all the data was imported and then set all the right references with the copy action.




i want to import references from the other entity in the domain model


am importing a flat file into mendix and i want to import the attribute which is related to other entity like Customer entity is associated with employee. so flat file contains customer details as well as employee details so i want to import the data for both customer and employee at a time


You can use Excel Importer for that goal. Convert the flat file to excel first.

Alternative is to read the flat file twice and connect the customer and employee in a post process microflow.

PS: Please edit the question instead of adding answers to yourself. Mark them with edit 1: edit 2 etc.
