How to use if-then-else within text concatenation

After using MX for 7 years I'm still finding out new (undocumented) features: When concatenating a text string from text and database-items you can use if-then-else syntax within the concatenation. Notice that the 'if-then-else' has to be between parentheses. Probably already known by a lot of you, but worth sharing I think. Example: 'Failed to send an email to: ' + $prefEmail/To + ' an error occurred in the SendEmail java action Server: ' + $refEmailSettings/Server + ' Port: ' + $refEmailSettings/Port + ' SSL: ' + (if $refEmailSettings/UseSSL then 'Yes' else 'No') + ' TLS: ' + (if $refEmailSettings/UseTLS then 'Yes' else 'No') + ' Login: ' + $refEmailSettings/UserName + ' Password: ' + $varDecryptedPassword
1 answers

Nice René :)
