Connection Timed out -Request aborted (HTTP 504).

We are facing a intermittent issue when loading a huge data from the database most often. It is checked with Google chrome developer tool,if server response time taking more than a minute(60seconds) to respond,the error message displayed as a blocing popup. Issue faced in Google chrome and IE browsers. Error Message-" Request aborted (HTTP 504) Connection dropped by an intermediate host.If this problem persists, contact your system administrator." Is there any chance to increase the response time and where can I check available connection timed out settings. Could anyone share your thoughts on it.
2 answers

Are you triggering the retrieve (and thus timeout) from a microflow? In that case, the following blog article may help you out


60 seconds is a really large timeframe for a user to wait for a datagrid to load. Is there any way you can optimize your datagrid?
