Mendix iOS iPad page keeps on showing white screen

I have an app that works fine on desktop and Andriod iPad but on iOS iPad it only displays the top navigation but the content and footer areas are not displaying it's showing the white screen but when flipping between portrait and Landscape it shows the page for a split sec then disappeared again. Does anyone have an idea of how I can fix this ios bug?
2 answers

Debugging 101: try removing all of your custom widgets. If that helps, re-add them until it fails again and you'll have your culprit. If that doesn't work then you could try the same for all the native widgets, although at that point you might also consider figuring out how to hook up dev tools to your app instead. Unfortunately that's not very easy to do in iOS, but you can find a pretty good how-to here:


You can update your app to the latest version. It may fix the white screen problem.
