If Mendix had an IRC channel, would you join?

Actually, there's #mendix on the freenode irc network since some time. Only, it's not very well known yet. It's a fun thing to have an IRC channel for the Mendix community, having a place where people from the community can hang out a bit, ask questions or share what they're doing. A place where you can see some signs of life while you're finishing to implement those last few user stories in the evening or in the weekend. Freenode has a webchat: https://webchat.freenode.net/ which is a very easy way to connect to the #mendix channel. The downside of using this is that you're only in the channel as long as you have the browser page opened. Well, any thoughts, anyone? Either reply here or join #mendix and discuss :-) I'm very curious how many people in the Mendix community know using IRC already. Hans (aka Knorrie on IRC) P.S. It seems that the Mendix CEO is also frequently joining the channel... This is your chance to ask that one and only question that you always wanted to ask him!
8 answers

You can also use the IRCCloud to connect to #mendix https://www.irccloud.com/ You can even stay connected while you're offline and never miss a message!


Pro tip: If you join, say something. Don't just wait for some activity to happen. :-)


IRC is pretty legit, I'll park myself in there on freenode.

If you're on Windows download Hexchat. OSX I would highly recommend using Textual 5 (it's $5 but worth it if you're apart of a community project that exists on freenode)


/server irc.freenode.net

/join #mendix

Say hello!


I have been on the channel before, but it seemed like everybody was ideling, which is good since that would imply everybody is working :D


IRC, the good old days! I think it's a fun way of interacting. Having a direct line with Mendix can make things go a little faster. I'll see if I (Javascript developer @ Community team, maintaining widgets) can frequent this channel...


It would come in handy from time till time. I'm on there now, the only one. I'm on there for today to see how much interaction there will be with my fellow mendix users.

Needed some help with removing some text from the start of a string. I'll google on for now...


or a bbs...


theres this slack channel for MX-UX that everyone is welcome to join

