Can not create widgets from forms /en_GB/Reports/reports/reportpane115670.mxf

I have an application which includes a simple report consisting of a report pane which contains a single parameter drop down, a report button to run the reports and a basic report to disply the report output. The application deploys without any errors, but when I try to load the report form I get the following error: ERROR: Can not create widgets from forms/en_GB/Reports/reports/reportpane115670.mxf I have another application which includes an identically structured report and this works fine. I'm using Menidx 2.4.5. UPDATE * I have created a separate test project, using the same objects & reports as in the original project, but with minimal other content, and this works fine - I can't reproduce the error! However, when I export the working reports module from my test project and import it into my original project, unchanged, then it no longer works & I get the error above. Even when deploying into a new deployment folder. UPDATE 2 * I have now reproduced the error. It appears to be caused by changing the default language. The original project, which was getting the error, had only one language, en_GB, which was obviously the default. When I created the new test project, I just used the standard default of en_US, and the reports were working fine. However, I have just added enGB as a language tio this project, and made enGB the default, and now the reports do not work, and I get the same error as above - except that now it is referencing /enUS/Reports and not of /enGB/Reports: ERROR: Can not create widgets from forms/en_US/Reports/reports/reportpane29667.mxf I will raise it as a bug report on MXDN
3 answers

Do you have a license key with reporting enabled? If you do not have a license key at all reporting will work just fine (for development purposes). As soon as you use a license key you need one with reporting enabled.


Hi Johan,, This is just in development at the moment, so no license key, and in one application my report works fine, but in the other application, running under the same Mendix version on the same PC, an identically structured report gives the error above. Thanks.


I tried deploying in a new location, an empty folder, and got the same result. I then tried deploying in the deployment folder for my other application (mentioned above) which contained an identically structured report whih DID work ... still didn't work. And now the report in the other application which previously worked is no longer working (same error)!
